Graduate from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Angoulème and the École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg. Her cross-curricular approach offers alternative ecologies for breathing, moving, listening with the plant world. Along with teams of researchers in plant ecophysiology and pedology, her projects seek ways to interact differently with living things.

Frédéric SERGENT
Director of GRAINE de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, a regional group for support and initiation to nature and environment, which networks players in the field of environmental education.

Julien FUCHS
Professor at the University of Brittany Professor in Science and techniques of physical and sporting activities at the University of Western Brittany in Brest and at CREAD. Expert in the history of physical education and youth, he works on bodily practices and on their relationships to territories. He is currently coordinating a project on the history of coastal trips (classes de mer) in France and on the development of Marine Educational Areas.

Environmental professor at Paris Saclay University in the ESE (Ecology, Systematics and Evolution) laboratory. She combines ecology, psychology, physiology, philosophy and ethnology, while favouring collaborations with artists. Currently, she works on developing methods to raise awareness on our relationship with nature.

Frederick GUYON
Lecturer in Science and techniques of physical and sporting activities at the University of Franche-Comté and member of the C3S laboratory. Expert in the study of relationships with nature from a sociological and anthropological perspective. After working on foraging activities (hunting, fishing, gathering) and gardening, he is currently interested in forest bathing and forest practices.
Médecin en santé environnementale - Hôpital Nord Franche-Comté
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Laurent MOUROT
Enseignant chercheur - Université de Franche Comté
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Médecin coordonnateur à l’hôpital de Besançon Chercheur - Université de Franche Comté
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Martine PROST
Sylvothérapeute membre de la Fédération Francophone des Praticiens de Sylvothérapie et Shirin Yoku
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Géraldine SIRLIN
Guide/Coach en sylvothérapie
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