DRIBBE project in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Disconnecting Reconnecting Inspiring Stories Well-being

The DRIBBE project is a continuation of the Pédagogie par l’Ailleurs and the Approach Reconnexion à son environnement implemented in 2019. Its aim is to enable students at the University of Franche-Comté to disconnect from their everyday lives and (re)connect with their natural environment during an itinerant stay in the Massif du Jura.

Recent studies on the mental health of young people show a clear deterioration in recent years (Baromètre santé 2021, Enquête Escapad, 2022). The socio-ecological crisis is a major factor in psychological distress, and entry into higher education is also a time of stress and anxiety (Santé Publique France, 2023).

Numerous studies have highlighted the beneficial effects of contact with nature on physical and mental health, particularly in terms of reducing blood pressure, anxiety and stress levels. Contact with nature also boosts the immune system, improves sleep quality and increases energy and zest for life (Health Council of the Netherlands, 2004; Li, 2009; Park , 2010; Capaldi, 2014; Suzuki, 2019; Antonelli, 2020; Pirchio & al., 2021).

The three-day itinerary will be used to carry out experiments at each stage. A cross-disciplinary approach will be used, drawing on anthropology, psychology, physiology, psychology and social sciences.

Goals for the students

  • Forge links with the local area: discover the ecological and cultural environment
  • Experimenting with practices that provide new resources
  • Raise awareness of ecosystem services
  • Take responsibility for the itinerary and human need
  • Develop teamwork skills (cooperation, adaptability, complementarity)
  • Create solidarity and a cooperative dynamic
  • Learn from inspiring experiences and stories

How it's done

3 days of roaming and inspiring encounters. Leaving from Campus Bouloie (Besançon Viotte station), heading for the Jura mountains.

12 students per session. All equipment provided. No pre-requisites other than the ability to walk and the desire to participate.

Teaching and scientific team

Frédérick Guyon, Nicolas Delattre, Philippe Gimenez & Marie Andela (Université Franche-Comté), Frédéric Sergent (Graine BFC), Anne Bertin-Renoux (ENS Rennes), Claire Damesin (Université Paris Saclay), Éric Villenave & Émilie Perraudin (Université de Bordeaux)

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